My First Multimeter: “DT-3800” From 1990

This is my very first multimeter. I bought it in 1990 when I was 14 years old. Back then it cost DM50,- (Deutsche Mark in West Germany). It still works, though I don’t really use it anymore. Its best feature is its instant continuity buzzer.
Today I use a Fluke 177 and the EEVblog multimeter.

My DT-3800 multimeter is still working.

Fluke 177 and EEVblog’s Brymen 235

Tiny nano Quad on the Oscilloscope

Just out of fun I hooked my tiny little Revell Mini Quad Copter Nano Quad up to the oscilloscope to see at what voltage these little motors are operated. The are obviously driven by a pulse modulated signal of 3.2V peak-to-peak (or whatever the battery can deliver). The pictures show throttle of 0, half and full: